
  • Next.js Course Journal

    Next.js Course Journal

    This full-stack application is a fork of one of my own GitHub organization’s projects, developed in collaboration with my colleague Oladoyin.   Overview: The Course Grid Project is a comprehensive journaling web app designed specifically for faculty teachers. It enables teachers to perform CRUD operations on courses, lessons, and units, manage course notes, and upload…

  • Android Trivia Game

    Android Trivia Game

    Welcome to the Trivia Game Android app! This app is designed to entertain and challenge users with trivia questions across various topics. Here’s what you can expect from this exciting game:   Overview: The Trivia Game Android app utilizes a modern tech stack, including Android Compose for native UI development, Kotlin as the primary programming…

  • Flask Personal Front Page

    Flask Personal Front Page

    This website project serves as a centralized hub containing links to all my live projects and social media profiles, offering visitors a comprehensive overview of my work and online presence. Overview: Designed as a dashboard-style interface, my Personal Front Site is your gateway to exploring all my live projects and connecting with me across various…

  • Android Interactive Story App using Kotlin and Compose

    Android Interactive Story App using Kotlin and Compose

    Overview: Embark on an enchanting journey with this Kotlin and Android Compose-powered interactive story app. “Quest for Knowledge” weaves a captivating medieval futuristic fantasy, encouraging children to value seeking knowledge while overcoming distraction, ignorance, and persevering through challenges. The app comprises six engaging chapters, seamlessly integrating images to enhance the storytelling experience. Users can easily…

  • Next.js and Firebase Chat Application

    Next.js and Firebase Chat Application

    Engage in real-time conversations with this Next.js and MongoDB chat application, featuring user authentication, CRUD operations, and a sleek night mode for a personalized chat experience. Overview: This work-in-progress project offers a real-time chat experience using Next.js and MongoDB, ensuring seamless user interactions. It prioritizes user authentication, message management, and UI customization for a feature-rich…

  • Link Dashboard with .NET

    Link Dashboard with .NET

    Link Dashboard with .NET” stands as a core entry in my portfolio—a practical solution for efficient bookmark management. Overview: I’ve developed this dashboard using MySQL, .NET MVC, Razor Pages, Docker Compose, jQuery, and session authentication. Key Features: User Authentication: Securely log in, register, and manage sessions for a personalized experience. Bookmark Operations: Easily add, delete,…

  • Socket.io Chat App

    Socket.io Chat App

    ChatHub is a dynamic and user-friendly chat application developed through seamless collaboration with other 3 developers from my college. Following agile methodologies, we’ve ensured rapid development cycles, constant feedback loops, and iterative improvements, resulting in a feature-rich and reliable platform. I forked the team’s solution and made a few modifications to facilitate deployment on cloud…

  • Giphy Api Explorer Using Vue.js

    Giphy Api Explorer Using Vue.js

    Unleash a universe of GIFs with the Giphy API Explorer. Crafted with Vue.js and styled using Tailwind CSS, this application offers a powerful yet user-friendly platform for instant GIF searches. Enter a keyword into the toolbar and the tool populates with related images, all in a responsive, elegantly designed interface. Experience it live at https://giphy-api-explorer-54465.netlify.app/…

  • World of Calculators

    World of Calculators

    Step into the ‘World of Calculators’, a comprehensive suite of digital tools designed to tackle an array of computational needs. Whether it’s navigating the financial specifics with mortgage and loan calculators or converting units with ease, this app is your go-to resource. Developed with precision and clarity in mind, it harnesses the robustness of Vue.js…

  • Android Habit Improvement App

    Embark on a journey towards self-improvement with Chadifier, a sophisticated habit-tracking mobile app tailored to foster healthy habits and promote a harmonious lifestyle. Crafted with the power of Kotlin and Java, and engineered through Maven for dependable build automation, this app stands at the intersection of simplicity and functionality. With Material UI, it offers a…