
  • Android Habit Improvement App

    Embark on a journey towards self-improvement with Chadifier, a sophisticated habit-tracking mobile app tailored to foster healthy habits and promote a harmonious lifestyle. Crafted with the power of Kotlin and Java, and engineered through Maven for dependable build automation, this app stands at the intersection of simplicity and functionality. With Material UI, it offers a…

  • Ecommerce Platform Using Go and Next.js

    Ecommerce Platform Using Go and Next.js

    Pet Shop X is an e-commerce project for pet supplies. This comprehensive site caters to a wide range of pet needs, including food, bedding, toys, leashes, cleaning, and grooming products for various animals like cats, dogs, hamsters, birds, rabbits, and reptiles. Developed with cutting-edge technology, it offers a seamless, fast, and secure shopping experience. Features…

  • Job Board Using Django Web Framework

    Job Board Using Django Web Framework

    This project showcases an advanced job board web application, designed to connect employers and job seekers efficiently. My focus was on creating a user-friendly interface and robust functionality to handle various job-related activities. Features • Rich Text Editing: Incorporated TinyMCE for rich text editing, allowing both job posters and seekers to create detailed, formatted job descriptions…